Going To The ATM (Sakanan) — 16

ចូលដល់រូបភាពទី ១៦ នៅក្នុងរូបភាពទី ១៦ យើងឃើញថា បន្ទាប់ពីនារីនោះ គាត់ប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹម ដើម្បីដកប្រាក់រួចរាល់ហើយ គាត់ក៏បានដើរចេញពីម៉ាស៊ីននោះ បានន័យថាគាត់យកលុយនិងកាតអេធីអឹមរក្សាទុកនៅក្នុងកាបូបគាត់រួចរាល់ហើយ គាត់ក៏បានដើរចេញ បានន័យថាគាត់ក៏លែងត្រូវការប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹមនោះរួចទៀតហើយ អញ្ចឹងគាត់ដើរចេញ ដើម្បីឲ្យអ្នកដទៃប្រើប្រាស់ម្ដងអញ្ចឹងនៅក្នុងរូបភាពនេះ យើងឃើញថា បន្ទាប់ពីគាត់ដើរចេញ គឺមាននារីម្នាក់ទៀតពាក់អាវដៃខ្លីខោជើងវែងពណ៌ខ្មៅ ក៏បានចូលទៅប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹមនោះម្ដងបានន័យថាអម្បាញ់មិញ នារីនោះ គាត់ឈរពីក្រោយនារីពាក់អាវខៀវ ដើម្បីរង់ចាំអញ្ចឹងការប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីនមួយ ដែលមានគ្នាច្រើនសម្រាប់ប្រើប្រាស់ យើងត្រូវតម្រង់ជួរគ្នា ដើម្បីរក្សាសណ្ដាប់ធ្នាប់ដូចនៅក្នុងរូបភាពនេះអញ្ចឹង គឺគេប្រើប្រាស់ម្ដងម្នាក់ៗ។ បន្ទាប់ពីនារីដែលពាក់អាវខៀវ ឬក៏ពាក់អាវពណ៌ទឹកសមុទ្រនោះ ដើរចេញពីម៉ាស៊ីន បានន័យថាគាត់ប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីននោះរួចរាល់ហើយ មាននារីម្នាក់ទៀត គាត់ចូលប្រើប្រាស់ម្ដងអញ្ចឹងនៅក្នុងរូបភាពនេះ គឺបង្ហាញអំពីការប្រើប្រាស់អេធីអឹមរួចរាល់ហើយ ហើយដើរចេញពីម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹម ដើម្បីឲ្យអ្នកដទៃចូលប្រើប្រាស់ម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹម ដើម្បីដកប្រាក់របស់គេម្ដងវិញអញ្ចឹងយើងត្រូវការប្រើប្រាស់ម្ដងម្នាក់ដោយរក្សានូវសណ្ដាប់ធ្នាប់និងសុជីវធម៌របស់យើង ឲ្យបានខ្ពស់បំផុតនៅក្នុងការប្រើប្រាស់របស់រួមម៉ាស៊ីនអេធីអឹមគឺជារបស់រួម ដូច្នេះយើងត្រូវប្រើប្រាស់ដោយមានសុជីវធម៌ជាទីបំផុត

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ចូល coul 1. to enter, go in, penetrate
2. to approach
3. to reach
4. to begin, set in
5. may indicate the adverbial meaning of ‘inwardly’ or ‘forwardly’ directed movement
6. to enter into, subscribe to, contribute to
7. to take in (as revenue)
8. to mate (of animals)
9. to go into a trance (of a medium)
10. to possess (as a spirit possesses a medium)
11. to agree with
ដល់ dɑl 1. to reach, to attain, to arrive at
2. to, toward, up to, as far as, at, until
រូបភាព ruup pʰiep 1. image, picture, drawing, photo
2. appearance, form, shape
ទី tii 1. particle used to form ordinal numbers
2. spot, place, location
3. rank, function, service
នៅ nɨv 1. in, at
2. to be located at, to live in or at, to reside, to stay, to be in
3. still, yet (pre-verbal marker of a durative or continuative aspect, as a final particle in the tag question ហើយឬនៅ it means 'yet' and as a reply to a question of this kind, it means 'not yet') {ញ៉ាំអីហើយនៅ? = Have you eaten already?}
ក្នុង knoŋ 1. in, inside
2. during + (time word)
យើង yəəŋ 1. we
2. I (familiar)
3. in final position used to refer to 'our Cambodian ...' {ទុរេនកំពតយើងមែន? = Kampot durian (from our country, Cambodia), right?}
ឃើញ kʰəəɲ 1. to see, to perceive
2. to understand, to recognize
3. គិត ... ឃើញ = to find a solution, figure out, solve
4. to come to a conclusion, realize, understand
ថា tʰaa 1. to say, tell, pronounce
2. that (introduces a question or indirect discourse)
3. I've [just] said, [...]
បន្ទាប់ពី bɑntoap pii after, next
នារី nierii girl, young woman
នោះ nuh 1. that, those (often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something distant in time or space)
2. then
គាត់ koat 1. he/him/his
2. she/her
3. they/them/their (formal/polite 3rd person pronoun)
4. you/your (intimate)
ប្រើប្រាស់ praə prah to use
ម៉ាស៊ីន maasin machine, motor, engine, device
Notes: also pronounced maasɨn
អេធីអឹម ʔee tʰii ʔəm ATM
ដើម្បី daəmbəy in order to, for, to, toward, reserved for
ដកប្រាក់ dɑɑk prak to withdraw money
រួចរាល់ ruəc roal 1. to finish, to complete
2. completely
ហើយ haǝy 1. to be finished, ended, completed
2. enough!
3. final particle indicating completed action, already, by now
4. in a future context indicates action that will be completed at some future time
5. and, afterwards, next, then, after that
ក៏ kɑɑ marker of sequential or consecutive action: also, so, then, therefore, accordingly
បាន baan 1. to have completed/done something
2. to intend to complete something
3. marker of completed action
4. to get, obtain, acquire, to achieve, have been able to, to get/have the opportunity to do something
5. to get someone or something to do something (often translated by the English passive in this sense)
6. to be able to
7. not ... until, then and only then
8. to pass to someone through inheritance
9. to be OK, fine, all right
10. [spoken language] however, though, in contrast {ម្សិលមិញបានក្ដៅខ្លាំង = yesterday, however, it was very hot}
11. {បានហើយ = I'm done, I give up, I'm finished (depending on the context)}
ដើរ daə 1. to walk, to go, to move
2. (of machines) to run
ចេញ cəɲ 1. to go out, leave, emerge, exit
2. to issue, bring out, come out (of a publication)
3. to emit, utter
4. out, off, away (also figuratively) {ខ្ញុំគិតអត់ចេញ = I can't figure it out}
5. to pay out, pay for, lay out (money), spend
6. to gain, earn, save
7. to play (a card)
ពី pii from, since, of, about, at
បានន័យថា baan ney tʰaa 1. that means, in other words
2. to mean
យក yɔɔk 1. to take (in one's hand or with oneself), hold
2. when ordering: I’ll take, I’ll have {យកបបរគ្រឿងសាច់ជ្រូកម៉ាចាន = I’ll have a bowl of pork porridge}
3. to take (away)
4. to steal
5. to bring
6. to borrow
7. to get, obtain, achieve
លុយ luy 1. money
2. small change, coin
និង nɨŋ and
កាត kaat card, ID card
រក្សា reaksaa 1. to take care of, protect
2. to keep, maintain
3. to observe, pay attention to, watch
ទុក tuk 1. to put, set, place, arrange
2. to set aside, keep, retain, save, preserve, maintain, conserve, hold (in reserve) {ទុកញ៉ាំ = to keep for eating later}
កាបូប kaaboup 1. bag
2. purse, wallet
លែង lɛɛŋ to stop, quit, leave, let go, release, set free
ត្រូវការ trəv kaa 1. to need, require, want
2. to be necessary, needed, required
រួច ruəc 1. to finish, end, achieve, complete
2. indicates the possibility of completing the action of the main verb, to be able
3. already, then, after that
ទៀត tiət 1. again, still, more, further, yet, additional
2. to be different, other
អញ្ចឹង ʔɑɲcəŋ 1. in that case, so, then, therefore
2. like this/that
3. this/that much
ឲ្យ ʔaoy 1. to give
2. to let, to allow
3. for, to, in order to, so as to {ចង់ឲ្យខ្ញុំកុម្ម៉ង់អីញ៉ាំឲ្យហើយអត់? = Do you want me to order something for you already?}
4. in a... manner (forms adverbial phrases from predicatives)
Notes: also written អោយ, ឱ្យ
អ្នកដទៃ neak dɑtey strangers, others, other people
ម្ដង mdɑɑŋ 1. one time, once
2. for a change
Notes: ជើង ដ; contraction of មួយដង
នេះ nih 1. this, these
2. often serves simply to emphasize something already referred to or something nearby in time or space
គឺ kɨɨ 1. to be (equal to)
2. as follows, namely
មាន mien 1. to have, possess, own
2. to exist, there is, there are
3. to be rich, own property
4. indicates the accomplishment of an action, to happen to, to have occasion to
Notes: in spoken Khmer, negated មាន (មិនមាន or គ្មាន) can be contracted into មាន, e.g., មានអ្នកណាចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there's nobody who wants to meet you’ — contrast this with the affirmative: មានគេចង់ជួបឯង = ‘there’s somebody who wants to meet you’
ម្នាក់ mneak 1. one person (contraction of មួយនាក់)
2. alone
ពាក់ peak 1. to wear (shirt, hat, ring, shoes, but not pants)
2. to put on
3. to hang up, suspend, hang on
អាវ ʔaav shirt, blouse, coat, upper garment
sɑɑ color: white
ដៃខ្លី day kləy short sleeve {ពាក់អាវសដៃខ្លី = [he's] wearing a white short sleeve shirt}
ខោ kʰao pants, trousers
ជើង cəəŋ 1. foot, leg
2. base, bottom
3. edge
4. subscript form of a Cambodian consonant
5. immediate vicinity
6. north {ខាងជើង = north}
7. way, path, trip
8. clf. for trips or occurrences
9. to be an expert/veteran/skilled at + verb
វែង vɛɛŋ long, tall
ពណ៌ poa color, complexion
ខ្មៅ kmav black, dark (colored)
ទៅ tɨv 1. to go (away from the speaker in space or time), to go to/towards, go on, continue, advance, go away
2. towards
3. from now on, from then on (often used as a particle indicating that the action began at some point in the past or present and continued on into the future or that the action is directed away from the speaker)
4. imperative particle, go ahead and ...! {ញ៉ាំទៅ = Go ahead and eat/drink!}
អម្បាញ់មិញ ʔɑmbaɲ mɨɲ just now, just a moment ago
ឈរ cʰɔɔ to stand (up)
ពីក្រោយ pii kraoy behind, from behind
ខៀវ kʰiəv blue, green (generally covering the spectrum of colors which includes blues and greens)
រង់ចាំ rʊəŋ cam, rɔɔŋ cam to wait (for, until)
ការ kaa 1. commonly occurs as a nominalizing particle deriving abstract nouns or noun phrases from verbs or verb phrases
2. work, occupation
3. business, affair, matter
4. to protect, defend, prevent
5. to marry
6. marriage
7. wedding
8. interest (e.g., on a loan)
9. profit
10. usury
11. to wind (into a skein/bobbin/reel)
12. to spin (silk)
មួយ muəy 1. one {មួយៗ = one by one}
2. one person/myself {សុំចេញមួយ = Please let me [go] out!} {សុំទៅមួយ = Please give way [for me one person]!} {សុំចុះមួយ = Please let me [one person] get off [the bus]!}
ដែល dael 1. who, whom, which, where, when
2. of/to/in/at which/whom
3. the fact/reason that
4. ever, happened to, having done at least once, having been to, already, always, had occasion to, have ever {អត់ដែលដឹងសោះ = I’ve never known this!}
គ្នា knie 1. together
2. mutually, reciprocally
3. I/me/my (informal, intimate)
4. he/she/they/we (informal, intimate)
5. assistant, helper, colleague
6. friend, companion
7. people
8. clf. for persons
ច្រើន craən 1. much, many, numerous, very much
2. mostly, often
សម្រាប់ sɑmrap 1. for
2. used for, used to (make or do something)
ត្រូវ trəv 1. must, have to
2. to be correct, right, proper, exact, accurate
3. to concern, have to do with, to agree/jibe with, coincide with
4. to be affected with/by, to suffer, undergo (ត្រូវ + CLAUSE marks a passive-like construction in which the subject of the clause introduced by ត្រូវ is translated as the agent in the passive construction)
តម្រង់ tɑmrɑŋ 1. to straighten (out), to put in a straight line {តម្រង់ជួរ = to queue}
2. to direct, to aim
3. to rectify
4. in a straight line
Notes: root: ត្រង់
ជួរ cuə 1. column, line, row
2. formation, rank
3. family line, lineage
4. clf. for rows, lines, 12-year cycles, generations
សណ្ដាប់ធ្នាប់ sɑndap tnoap 1. conduct, manners, behavior, discipline, personality, order, method, arrangement
2. act, action
Notes: ជើង ដ
ដូច douc alike, similar, like, as
គេ kee 1. he, she
2. one, someone
3. other(s)
ម្ដងម្នាក់ mdɑɑŋ mneak one person at a time
Notes: ជើង ដ
ឬក៏ rɨɨ kɑɑ or (on the other hand)
ទឹក tɨk 1. water, juice, liquid
2. round (e.g., of a boxing match)
សមុទ្រ saʔmot sea, ocean
Notes: alternative spelling: សមុទ្ទ
បង្ហាញ bɑŋhaaɲ 1. to show, exhibit, reveal, to indicate
2. to demonstrate, to teach
3. to introduce (someone to someone)
អំពី ʔɑmpii 1. about, concerning, relative to
2. from, out of {អំពីថ្ងៃនេះទៅ = from this day on}
របស់ rɔbɑh 1. object, thing, belonging, property
2. of, belonging to
វិញ vɨɲ again, back, instead
ដោយ daoy 1. by, with, along
2. (indicator of an adverb) in a ... manner
3. because
នូវ nɨv 1. marker of the direct object, especially in written, literary language
2. with, and, and also, along with, by means of
សុជីវធម៌ soʔciiveaʔtʰoa 1. savoir vivre, courtesy, manners, good-breeding
2. knowledge of the world, ability to live elegantly
ខ្ពស់ kpʊəh high, tall
បំផុត bɑmpʰot 1. to be the most..., the very..., extreme, extraordinary
2. to terminate, to end, to finish, to conclude
3. final, last
រួម ruəm 1. to combine
2. to join together, connect, unite, gather
3. to concentrate
4. to reduce, shrink
5. to be concentrated, compact, solid
6. to be united, joined, connected
7. to take part (in)
8. to share
9. to be common, joint, communal, collective
ជា cie 1. to be (equal to), to be as
2. to be well, in good health, recovered
3. to be effective (of medicines)
ដូច្នេះ doucneh 1. so, thus, therefore
2. like this
ជាទីបំផុត cie tii bɑmpʰot 1. finally, in conclusion
2. extremely, the most ...